블로그 이미지
"글로벌커뮤니티플랜"의 일환으로 "다 같이 잘 살아가는 세상"을 추구하는 그 꿈을 소망합니다. 크게 꿈꾸는 집에 오신 걸 환영합니다 DreamBig! ActBig!


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I have a great interest in "peace" based on liberalism and "prosperity" based on entrepreneurship.  To leaders in the global era, such attitude as a citizen of the world that "we should live together with each other" on earth is required.  This has also something to do with peace and prosperity through social integration. 

To this end, understanding of cultures that may enhance social diversity and connectivity - interculturalism - is necessary.  In addition, it is necessary to broaden horizon of new communication.  I'd like to learn these here in the US.  I came here to learn new approach to communications and entrepreneurship as global leader.  Through this, I'd like to build an " International Value-Innovation Enterprise" that allows new communication and realizes social justice. 

posted by DreambigHouse